Engineers and Scientists Abroad
Project Location: Colombia
Project Location: Liberia
Project Location: Peru
Project Location: Tanzania
Project Location: Chile
Project Location: Mongolia
Project Location: Haiti
Project Location: Guatemala

Engineers and Scientists Abroad (ESA) is a student organization at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology that goes on humanitarian projects in developing countries.
Our goal is to use the skills of developing engineers and scientists in the design, development, and construction of projects relevant to the advancement of underdeveloped international communities.
Our mission is to serve others and develop our skills while doing so.

ESA has been going on humanitarian engineering projects since 2007. We have been all over the world and solved problems in Africa, Asia, South America, and the Caribbean Islands. We have done surveying projects, built rainwater harvesting systems, conducted traffic analysis, repaired a bridge, and more. We do whatever is in our capacity to do, that best puts our developing engineering skills in the service of those who need it most.